Subject: BMP: The Ship Captain Author: Greg Douglas Uploaded By: GD STRETCH Date: 2/21/2003 File: ship captain.bmp (1440054 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 6 minutes Download Count: 433 Needs: A BMP Viewer Keywords: Douglas, GD photo, GD STRETCH, Wallpaper, Marine, Sail, Graphic Arts, Pick of the Week, FD Type: Freely Distributed Copyright (See distribution notice below) A smile crept across the Captain's weathered face, he knew the Balclutha was in tiptop condition and would easily deliver her cargo on time. Suitable for Windows wallpaper, meant to be centered and/or stretched, not tiled. Used Paint Shop Pro to cut & paste the Capt. (a store front statue located on Fisherman's Wharf) into the background photo of the tall ship. ("Balclutha" docked at the Hyde St. Pier in San Francisco) A combination of several layers and effects were used to create the aged appearance of the picture. Nikon CoolPix 950 camera was used to take the photo. (Image size 800 X 600, 24 Bit) THE UPLOADER CLAIMS AND GUARANTEES TO HAVE FULL AND CLEAR COPYRIGHT TO THIS WORK. THIS WORK IS FOR THE PERSONAL VIEWING OF THE DOWNLOADING MEMBER AND MAY NOT BE USED, REPRODUCED, MODIFIED, DISTRIBUTED, ETC. IN WHOLE OR IN PART ANYWHERE INCLUDING USE ON A WEB PAGE, CONVERTED, UPLOADED TO ANY ELECTRONIC SYSTEM OR BBS OR INCLUDED IN ANY COMPACT DISK (CD-ROM) OR COLLECTION OF ANY TYPE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE UPLOADER. TO DO SO PLACES THE USER AT LEGAL RISK OF SEVERE FINES AND PENALTIES FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. CB